Winter In Coming

Either way, we are IN LOVE with Lizzo right now and her forever-changing hairstyles and freedom of expression.
You can see from her Instagram page @lizzobeeating that recently, the star has been wearing afro kinky clip-in hair extensions to add to her natural look. As more and more women of colour embrace their natural afro look, our kinky hair from the Naked Range is predicted to be a big hit this season.
(Khloe Kardashian)
Khloe Kardashian has been making all the headlines recently and, thank God for all the right reasons! The ‘all in’ Kardashian is finally coming into her own and really standing out, way out from her media-grabbing spotlight sisters. Khloe’s dusty blonde, long extensions in both straight and water waves are bound to make a big splash this season too. And yes, you guessed it, will be introducing a similar line that will be totally affordable and easy to apply to recreate this celebrity look in time for Autumn.
(Nikki Dragun)
Nikita Dragun slays coloured frontals like no other. We love her and just cannot get enough. She never disappoints and always hits right first time. Another icon in the lace frontal wearers, Nikita keeps us guessing. its fair to say that she doesn't stick to one particular look. We cannot yet decided what recreation to make around her. But, definitely feel she needs to be honoured. Any suggestions? Please, do drop us a line. Give us a DM on Instagram. We're totally open to suggestions.
We’re certain that Nikita Dragun will be dropping some new products in her makeup line Dragun Beauty to coincide with fall in the US this season. And, as per usual, she’ll have the wigs to match.